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Bridging the gap between theory and practice

Yesterday was the third #day3 of the #FOMI2022 conference in #Tarbes France. It was my #pleasure to #invite and host 5 #speakers to talk about Zero Defect Manufacturing (#zdm), #ontology related matters, #semantics and in general the benefits and obstacles in the use of ontologies and semantics in the #manufacturing domain. The #talks were very interesting and they were raising many critical points that are key for the #adoption of ontologies and semantics from the #industrial domain. Furthermore, a new approach, industry friendly approach, on modeling systems was presented showing great potential (#imf)

The speakers were:

#thankyou all of you for accepting my invitation and for sharing your expeience and knowledge, and bridging the gap between #theory and #practice

Tha program of the conference can be downloaded from here:


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